Tuesday 26 March 2013

Design Hero's: David Osbaldestin W.T.F

This lecture by David Osbaldestin was on w.t.f. –What the Font. Through this lecture I gained knowledge on a variety of different things, which successful graphic communicators must ensure they know in order to deliver accurate information to its audience. This lecture gave me an overview of the disciplines used in order to visually communicate via advertising and how to effectively promote products. It also gave me a deeper insight to all the areas which graphic designers have to look at to ensure they are meeting their targets such as; engaging with the audience, delivering the correct type of information, using the right type of context and language, how to excite your audience and invite them into your world.

I was also greatly fascinated by the way it was all advertised, as this was different to the norm and stood out to me. I thought the brand communication was very strong and effective at promoting the product of McCain chips. Another vital thing I learnt through this lecture was that the notions must be innovative and creative and differ from other competitors out there so that the design/product will stand out. I believe that good design sells, and this is why communicators go through all these strategies in order to ensure that the problem has been successfully resolved and the visual idea is connecting with its targeted audience in a positive way- thus getting good response from the audience, this also means there are greater chances of the product being sold.

Another important factor I learnt from this lecture was that in advertising a message will be portrayed which will arouse emotion in their targeted audience to feel something. This message will inform, engage, invite or express further knowledge about the products being advertised. In this lecture we looked at David Osbaldestin’s advertising campaign for McCain Chips, which was a very engaging. The idea behind this advert was to get people thinking differently about chips, so David purposely changed the perspective in order to change people’ the product itself.  The advert also shows the process of how the chips are made which makes the audience see clearly what they will be eating and what kind of journey they have been on. 

This enables the audience to gain trust in the product, and gives them a positive insight on how they are made from ‘fresh’ potatoes; giving potential buyers confidence in consuming the product. Basically half of the population out there have a negative thought on eating fast food’s and chips. This advert has been created to change those negative thoughts into positive thoughts and attract more customers through the positive outlook on McCain Chips. Although many moms and dads will believe chips to be an unhealthy option, this advert uses quotes like ‘eat your greens,’ which sounds more healthier and will entice moms on buying these chips for their families. 

David Osbaldestin also showed us the TV commercial that was used to link in with the posters. He did this to keep things consistent and throughout the commercial he portray the ‘goodness’ of the potatoes and the finished product at the end, this ensures the audience are kept interested and are willing to sit through the advertisement to follow the journey of how the chips have been made.
 Below you will find the TV commercial:

In comparison to the McCains advert I came across the new Diet Coke advert, which again has the same concept behind the advert. It uses the technique of storytelling and gradually builds up emotion whilst creating suspense; enticing the viewer to find out the underlying message about the advert.  


The aim of this advert was to promote the diet coke and it was done in a very clever way. The message is portrayed through a group of girls in a park who roll the can of coke towards the 'hunk', who is the lawn mower in this case, he then strips off and drinks the coke, this is shocking to them and delivers a message that if a handsome man who looks after his body can drink it so can they; as it will not be causing any harm to their bodies.  I personally believe that the whole concept of the story line is very modern and thrilling which automatically drags the viewers attention, mainly those of the younger age. Throughout my analysis of TV adverts, I have come to realise how they work and the concept behind them. I have also learnt that creative ideas are the best way of thinking and that it is very important to think outside the box to stand out; as by doing this you will attract many more viewers and this will lead to gaining many more customers. 

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